Orthopédagogie (learning specialist)
For students with learning difficulties / disorders
- Dyslexia. Trouble identifying words in reading.
- Dysorthography. Spelling acquisition disorder.
- Dyscalculia. Numerical activity disorder.
- DLD. Developmental language disorder.
- Dyspraxia. Developmental coordination disorder.
This service is choosing to work with a professional who treats students who need learning strategies adapted to their needs. It’s a service for students who are at risk of developing academic delays and those with a diagnosed learning disability. The goal is to evaluate the student’s knowledge, strategies and cognitive processes, in order to obtain a global picture of his or her abilities and challenges, and to transmit specific, effective strategies to the learner. The educator reads the reports of specialists (speech therapist, neuropsychologist, occupational therapist, etc.) in order to implement the proposed recommendations.
Our services
- 1 to 1
- In-Person (at our office) or Online
- First sessions are dedicated to evaluations in either reading, writing or math
**Please note. We do not provide a diagnosis for learning disabilities.
Orthopédagogie or Tutoring: which one to choose for my child?
This is a form of personalized help to accompany the child in his school work. The tutor’s role is more focused on the content to be learned rather than on the ways the student learns. The goal is to help your child keep up with the pace in class by allowing them to review and consolidate what is more difficult for them.
This is a professional who prevents, screens and assesses the challenges of at-risk students and those who have a learning disability. This service is for students who are significantly behind their grade level in reading, writing and math.